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Book Club: Democracy May Not Exist, but We’ll Miss it When it’s Gone by Astra Taylor

Tuesday, September 1 from 12:30-1:30pm ET / 9:30-10:30am PT

What does democracy mean? We use this term all the time in many different contexts without always stepping back to fully examine what we mean or how democracy has played out over time. Is democracy a process? A desired end state? Is it ever fully achieved? Come join documentary filmmaker and writer Astra Taylor for DFN’s third book club to discuss these questions featured in her book Democracy May Not Exist, but We’ll Miss it When it’s Gone. Taylor’s book explores a series of tensions inherent to democratic society -- tensions like freedom versus equality, inclusion versus exclusion, and present versus future. Balancing philosophy, social and political history, and accessible story-telling, Taylor examines how the principle of government by and for the people is not living up to its promise while also demonstrating why it continues to be worth striving towards.

Astra will be joining us for a special conversation by video on Tuesday, Sept 1 from 12:30-1:30pm ET / 9:30-10:30am PT. Join Taylor and funders in conversation about the book and these important questions on the meaning and practice of democracy. If you’d like to read the book before or after the discussion, you can order from Bookshop, your local bookstore, or your go-to book source.

The Democracy Funders Network Book Club offers donors concerned about the health of American democracy a unique learning opportunity. Over the course of this year and beyond we will be hosting conversations with authors of important books on a range of democracy-related issues from different disciplinary and ideological perspectives. Please join us!