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Planning for and Responding to Election Crises

Tuesday, August 25 from 12-1pm ET / 9-10am PT

Join DFN donors to discuss the potential and importance of planning for various election-related crises, and to highlight specific actions donors can take to prevent and/or respond to crises. We'll be hearing from Zoe Hudson of the Transition Integrity Project, Angela Peoples of Fight Back Table, Peter Colavito of Social & Economic Justice Leaders Project, and Jenny Flanagan of the Trusted Elections Fund on their efforts to identify, prepare for, and respond to threats to the integrity of the election results or potential abuse of power during a transition.

In the last third of the call, donors with capacity for non-501(c)(3) giving will have the opportunity to stay on to discuss 501(c)(4) aspects of the work to coordinate post-election mobilization and response.