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Cyber Security: Practicing Good Digital Hygiene

*Part 1 of Democracy Funders Network's member-only safety and security briefing series.*

As cyber attacks against nonprofits are on the rise, online threats and harassment toward philanthropists and foundations are also increasing, especially for funders in the democracy field. Communications platforms - like email, messaging, and social media accounts - are particularly vulnerable to these threats, with as many as 90% of successful cyber attacks starting with a phishing email. Understanding the tools and resources available to keep your organization safe from data breaches, phishing attempts, and other cyber threats is key to protecting your organization and keeping your information secure.

Join DFN for the first session of our member-exclusive security briefing series, focusing on cyber security. Experts in the field of cyber security from the Signal team and the NGO-ISAC’s Cyber Car Wash program will share advice on using available tools, like Signal, to improve the security of communications with partners and grantees. The briefing will also cover general information on how to manage your digital and online “footprint” to mitigate possible security risks to the safety of your staff, grantees, and your data. 

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This program is part 1 of a DFN member-exclusive safety and security briefing series. If you are unsure of your DFN membership status, or would like to become a DFN member, please reach out to Hillary Hooke, DFN Membership Manager at